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Acta Endocrinologica (Buc)
Benga G
Acta Endo (Buc) 2014, 10 (1): 1-8doi: 10.4183/aeb.2014.1
The water channels milestones
include: the vague idea of “hydrophilic
pores” or “water-filled channels” in the
red blood cell (RBC), the proposal that
water channels (WCh) are accommodated
in proteins, experiments associating WCh
with the major RBC membrane protein
called Band 3 (the anion exchanger), and
the crucial experiment performed in 1985
by Benga group in Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
proving the presence and location of a minor
protein of the RBC membrane involved in
water transport. In the landmark papers of
1986, Benga introduced the concept of the
WCh being a protein specialized in water
transport, i.e. a water channel protein (WCP).
The first WCP discovered by our group was
re-discovered in 1992 by Agre group. In the
same year two other WCPs were discovered.
The name aquaporins was proposed in 1993.
In subsequent years hundreds of WCPS
have been discovered in organisms from
all kingdoms of life. WCPs are a family
of membrane proteins, belonging to the
Membrane Intrinsic Proteins superfamily.
WCPs family include three subfamilies: 1)
aquaporins (AQPs) which are mainly water
selective channels; 2) aquaglyceroporins
are permeable to water and to other small
uncharged molecules; 3) S-aquaporins
(subcellular or superaquaporins). Benga
called aquaglyceroporins and S-aquaporins
the “relatives of aquaporins”. Twelve WCPs
were identified in the human body, having
a great importance in a lot of physiological
phenomena, as well as in pathological
conditions, from well defined “water
channelopathies” to a wide range of diseases.
Benga propose the name of aquaporinology
for the domain of biomedical and natural
sciences dedicated to the integrated approach
of WCPs (aquaporins and relatives), which
is also a chapter of Cellular and Molecular
Keywords: aquaporinology, aquaporins, aquaglyceroporins, water channel proteins, new scientific domain
Correspondence: Gheorghe Benga PhD, Aleea Muscel No. 19, Ap. 11, 400076 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, E-mail: gbgbenga@gmail.com