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The International Journal of Romanian Society of Endocrinology / Registered in 1938in Web of Science Master Journal List
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Foundation Acta Endocrinologica
- (1) The foundation was constituted by late Prof. MlHAIL COCULESCU, as sole founder, based on the Ordinance of the Government nb. 26/2000 on associations and foundations.
- (2) The Foundation's name is ACTA ENDOCRINOLOGICA and is a private legal entity without patrimonial purpose. In all documents, bills, announcements, publications and other acts issued by the Foundation, the name of the Foundation, the registered office, the registration number in the Register of Associations and Foundations, and the fiscal code shall be mentioned.
- (3) The name of the Foundation has been verified and reserved at the Ministry of Justice - the Public Relations and Evidence Department, with evidence of the availability of the name nb. 35799 dated 30.08.2005.
- (1) ACTA ENDOCRINOLOGICA Foundation is a Romanian legal juridical person, without a patrimonial purpose, having the legal form of the Foundation.
- (2) The Foundation shall carry out its activity in accordance with the Romanian laws in force and the provisions of its constitutive act.
- (1) The Foundation's headquarters is in Bucharest, no. 19, Intrarea Solzilor, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.
- (2) The headquarters may be transferred to another place in Romania, by virtue of the authenticated decision of the Board of Directors, taken according to the law and the constitutive act of the Foundation.
- (3) The Foundation may establish subsidiaries, as territorial structures, on the basis of the authenticated decision of the Board of Directors, which assigns them a patrimony.
- (4) The Subsidiary is headed by a Board of Directors of its own, made up of at least three members, appointed by the Board of Directors of the Foundation at the time of the establishment of the subsidiary.
- (5) The subsidiary is an entity with its own legal personality and can conclude, in its own name, legal acts of administration and preservation under the conditions established by the Board of Directors of the subsidiary; the subsidiary may conclude legal acts of mood, in the name and on behalf of the Foundation, only on the basis of the authenticated and prior decision of the Foundation Board.
- (1) The Foundation is considered to be created starting with the date of registration in the Register of Associations and Foundations (RAF) at the Registry of the Court.
- (1) The Foundation will aim at supporting scientific activity and scientific publications in endocrinology by Romanian specialists who live or work in the country or abroad in order to solve the health problems in this field and to advance the medical science in the field of endocrinology , with all its implications in the related medical areas as well as with the aim to increase the national and international prestige of Romanian medicine.
- (2) The purpose of the Foundation shall be changed only by the founder, and if the founder is no longer alive, this may be done only with the vote of four-fifths of the number of members of the Foundation's Board of Directors.
- (3) In all cases, the purpose of the Foundation may be changed only if it has been fully or partially realized or cannot be achieved.
(1) The objectives which the Foundation proposes are as follows:
- a) Training of Romanian specialists in the field of endocrinology, addressed to the faculties of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, biophysics and psychology;
- b) Granting scholarships for specialization, masters and doctorates in the field of endocrinology, scholarships for students participating in scientific research in endocrinology;
- c) Granting subsidies for the realization of scientific manifestations of endocrinology in the country and abroad, organized with the participation of Romanian specialists;
- d) Granting subsidies for the introduction of new diagnostic and treatment methods in endocrine practice in Romania, including subsidizing the purchase of reagents and equipment necessary to achieve this objective;
- e) Granting subsidies for communications between Romanian endocrinologists and international research centers in endocrinology (communications by telephone, fax, internet, satellite, post, etc.);
- f) Granting grants for the acquisition of bibliographic material (books, subscriptions to journals or periodicals, treaties, etc.) in the field of medicine in general and endocrinology in particular;
- g) Granting funds for the acquisition of teaching materials, equipment in the modern technology field of the learning and teaching process, modern audio-video equipment necessary for the courses and conferences;
- h) Granting subsidies both for publishing specialized periodicals and for writing and publishing monographs and treaties in the field of endocrinology attended by Romanian specialists;
- i) Granting funds for the dissemination of knowledge in the field of endocrine diseases and effects of hormones (through publications, posters, leaflets, mass-media, etc.);
- j) Granting funds (scholarships) for participation in courses, congresses and symposia of endocrinology; these fellowships include fees and attendance, travel and accommodation costs;
Acta Endocrinologica Foundation is based in Bucharest, Intrarea Solzilor no. 19, sector 1, Fiscal Code: 18281685, Tel / fax: +40 21 319 87 18, IBAN account: RO72RNCB0072178850210001 (RON) or RO88RNCB0072178850210004 (EUR), opened at BCR BANK, SWIFT CODE RNCBROBU, and is legally represented by Prof. Dr. Corin Badiu - President