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Acta Endocrinologica (Buc)
Giulea C, Enciu O, Nadragea M, Badiu C, Miron A
Pemberton’s Sign and Intense Facial Edema in Superior Vena Cava Syndrome due to Retrosternal Goiter
Acta Endo (Buc) 2016, 12 (2): 227-229doi: 10.4183/aeb.2016.227
Introduction. Retrosternal goitre enlargement
can cause compression of several mediastinal structures,
especially the trachea and the superior vena cava. Retrosternal
goitre as a cause of superior vena cava syndrome is a rare
occurrence. We report the case of a middle aged man that
underwent surgery for retrosternal goitre with compression
of both innominate veins presenting as superior vena cava
Case Presentation. A 50 year old man presented
with a 2 year history of cyanosis of the upper limbs, head and
neck, marked facial edema, plethora, dyspnea on exertion
and choking sensation. Pemberton’s sign was present.
Computer tomography diagnosed retrosternal goitre at the
level of the aortic arch, tracheal compression and important
collateral circulation. Endocrine evaluation showed normal
thyroid function (fT4 15.8 pmol/L) with low-normal TSH
(0.5mU/L), normal calcitonin (<2 pg/mL). The patient
underwent successful total thyroidectomy with cervical
approach and his symptoms dramatically improved. The
facial oedema persisted for the next 3 weeks.
Discussion. Less than 3% of superior vena cava
syndromes are secondary to a variety of benign causes.
Superior vena cava syndrome caused by slow growing
retrosternal goitres is very rare and can be asymptomatic for
a long period due to venous collateral development.
Conclusion. Superior vena cava syndrome
secondary to retrosternal goitres, a very rare occurrence, is
an indication for total thyroidectomy, with low postoperative
morbidity and dramatic resolution of symptoms.
Keywords: retrosternal goiter, superior vena cava syndrome, Pemberton’s sign.
Correspondence: Cosmin Giulea, MD, Elias University Emergency Hospital, Dept. of Surgery, 17 Marasti, Bucharest, 011461, Romania, E-mail: gcosmin@yahoo.com