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Acta Endocrinologica (Buc)
Rosu MM, Popa SG, Mota E, Popa A, Manolache M, Guja C, Bala C, Mota M
Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in the Adult (Aged 40-79 Years) Romanian Population
Acta Endo (Buc) 2018, 14 (2): 227-234doi: 10.4183/aeb.2018.227
Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases are the
leading cause of death worldwide.
Aim. To estimate the prevalence of cardiovascular
risk (CVR) categories in the adult population (aged 40-79
years) of Romania.
Design. The present study was part of the
epidemiological, cross-sectional PREDATORR study
(PREvalence of DiAbeTes mellitus, prediabetes, overweight,
Obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperuricemia and chronic kidney
disease in Romania).
Subjects and Methods. Exclusion criteria: age <40/
or>79 years old and diagnosis of ischemic vascular disease.
The CVR was evaluated using charts developed by the World
Health Organization/ International Society of Hypertension
(WHO/ISH) available for Europe B (epidemiological subregion
where Romania was included). The CVR was divided
into 5 categories: <10%, 10-20%, 20-30%, 30-40%, > 40%.
Results. A total of 1631 subjects (57.0±10.7 years,
45.1% males) were included in the present study.
The age and sex-adjusted prevalence of CVR >40%
was 2.9% (95%CI 2.8-3.1%), CVR 30-40% was 1.85%
(95%CI 1.8-1.9%), CVR 20-30% was 5.8% (95%CI 5.6-
6.0%) and 13.0% (95%CI 12.8-13.3%) of the adult Romanian
population has a 10-20% CVR, these CVR categories being
more frequent in male and older age. Diabetes, overweight/
obesity and smoking were associated with high CVR
Conclusion. Romania is one of the countries with
high CVR, requiring CVD prevention measures.
Keywords: cardovascular risk, Romanian population, WHO/ISH charts
Correspondence: Simona Georgiana Popa MD, Craiova University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 2-4 Petru Rares street, Craiova, 200349,
Romania, E-mail: geossim@yahoo.com