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Acta Endocrinologica (Buc)
Dugeroglu H, Karakas A
Multifaceted Evaluation of 72 Patients with Pituitary Failure
Acta Endo (Buc) 2018, 14 (4): 539-548doi: 10.4183/aeb.2018.539
Objective. We aimed to reach a diagnosis for
patients with pituitary failure (PF) with more detailed
multifaceted examination, to obtain new gains in this way
and to apply this experience to our future patients.
Patients and Method. The study included 72
patients with pituitary failure diagnosis. Patients were
divided into two groups of 32 female patients with Sheehan
syndrome (SS) and 40 non-Sheehan syndrome patients (20
female and 20 male).
Results. The mean age of the 32 patients with
Sheehan syndrome was 56.1±11.7 years with mean disease
duration 20.3±8.3 years and mean age at disease onset
34.3±7.6 years. For the 40 non-SS pituitary failure patients
mean age was 46.5±16.6 years, mean disease duration was
4.7±5.1 years and mean age at disease onset was 41.8±18.2
years. The prolactin response (PRL) on the TRH test was
found to be significantly lower in SS patients compared to
non-SS patients(p<0.05). Both patient groups had low basal
pituitary hormones, with mean PRL level in SS patients
4.9±4.0 ng/mL which was significantly low compared to
non-SS patients with 36.8±84.7 ng/mL(p=0.022).
Conclusion. Pituitary failure patients may present
with a broad range of clinical symptoms and findings. Early
diagnosis and timely replacement treatment have vital
importance for SS patients.
Keywords: Sheehan syndrome, hypopituitarism, pituitary adenoma, pituitary failure, DEXA.
Correspondence: Harun Dügeroglu MD, Ordu University, Faculty of Medicine, Training and Research Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Ordu, 52200, Turkey, E-mail: harun.dugeroglu@hotmail.com