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Acta Endocrinologica (Buc)
Shamas S, Rani S, Afsheen S, Shahab M, Ejaz R, Sadia H, Khan L, Rehman TU, Roshan S, Mayo A
Changes in Irisin Release in Response to Peripheral Kisspeptin-10 Administration in Healthy and Obese Adult Men
Acta Endo (Buc) 2019, 15 (3): 283-288doi: 10.4183/aeb.2019.283
recently. However, the nature of the signals
that may connect body fat/muscle tissues with the central
nervous system governing energy homeostasis remains to be
Objective. The present study was designed
to investigate the effects of peripheral kisspeptin-10
administration on irisin release in human males.
Subjects and methods. Kisspeptin-10 was
administered to normal weight (n=8) and obese (n=8) men.
Sequential blood sampling was performed for 30 minutes
pre and 210 minutes post kisspeptin injection at 30 minutes
interval. ELISA kit was used to detect plasma irisin levels.
Results. There is a significant (P<0.0001) effect of
Kisspeptin-10 administration on irisin release in both normal
weight and obese participants. Mean irisin levels (96.24 ±
1.351 ng/mL) at 210 minutes were significantly (P<0.0001)
enhanced as compared to pre-kisspeptin (59.18 ± 4.815 ng/
mL) in normal weight subjects. In obese subjects mean irisin
levels (75.76 ± 4.06 ng/mL) were significantly (P<0.0001)
elevated at 180 minutes post-kisspeptin when compared with
pre-kisspeptin irisin levels (41.28 ± 2.89 ng/mL).
Conclusion. Our findings suggest that kisspeptin
may have a novel therapeutic potential to induce irisin
release in humans which may have anti-obesity effects.
Keywords: Obesity, Kisspeptin-10, Metabolism,
Correspondence: Shazia Shamas, Quaid-I-Azam University, Laboratory of Endocrinology, Department of Animal Sciences, Islamabad,
Fedral, 45320, Pakistan, E-mail: dr.shazia@uog.edu.pk