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Acta Endocrinologica (Buc)
Cobilinschi C, Tincu RC, Baetu AE, Deaconu CO, Totan A, Rusu A, Neagu PT, Grintescu IM
Endocrine Disturbances Induced by Low-Dose Organophosphate Exposure in Male Wistar Rats
Acta Endo (Buc) 2021, 17 (2): 177-185doi: 10.4183/aeb.2021.177
Background. Organophosphate exposure induces
many endocrine effects.
Aim. In this study we observed the effects of acute
stress induced by cholinesterase inhibition on the main
hormonal axes.
Materials and Methods. We included thirteen
weanling Wistar rats that were subjected to organophosphate
exposure. They were first tested for baseline levels of
butyrylcholinesterase, cortisol, free triiodothyronine,
thyroxine, thyroid-stimulating hormone and prolactin.
Secondly, chlorpyrifos was administered. Next samples
were taken to determine the level of all the above-mentioned
Results. Butyrylcholinesterase was significantly
decreased after exposure (p<0.001). Cortisol levels were
significantly higher after clorpyrifos administration
(358.75±43 vs. 241.2±35 nmoL/L)(p<0.01). Although
prolactin had a growing trend (450.25±24.65 vs. 423±43.4
uI/mL), the results were not statistically significant. Both
free triiodothyronine and thyroxine were significantly higher
after exposure. Surprisingly, thyroid-stimulating hormone
level almost doubled after exposure with high statistical
significance (p<0.001), suggesting a central stimulation of
thyroid axis. Butyrylcholinesterase level was proportional
with thyroid-stimulating hormone level (p=0.02) and
thyroxine level was inversely correlated to the cortisol
level (p=0.01). Acute cholinesterase inhibition may induce
high levels of cortisol, free triiodothyronine, thyroxine and
thyroid-stimulating hormone. From our knowledge this is
the first study dedicated to the assessment of acute changes
of hormonal status in weanling animals after low-dose
organophosphate exposure.
Conclusion. Acute cholinesterase inhibition may
cause acute phase hormonal disturbances specific to shocked
Keywords: organophosphate, acute stress, cholinesterase, corticosterone, thyroid hormones, prolactin.
Correspondence: Cristian Cobilinschi MD, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Eroii Sanitari, Bucuresti, 020021, Romania, E-mail: cob_rodion@yahoo.com