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Acta Endocrinologica (Buc)
Yilmaz Oztekin GM, Genc A, Arslan S
Vitamin D Deficiency is a Predictor of Mortality in Elderly with Chronic Heart Failure
Acta Endo (Buc) 2021, 17 (3): 358-364doi: 10.4183/aeb.2021.358
Context. The prevalence of both heart failure and
vitamin D deficiency increases with age and is associated
with poor outcome in the elderly.
Objectives. We aimed to investigate the relationship
between all-cause mortality and vitamin D deficiency in
elderly patients with chronic heart failure.
Design. It is a retrospective, observational crosssectional
study. Median follow-up time was 497 days.
Subjects and Methods. 302 patients aged ≥65
years heart failure patients was categorized into tertiles
based on the 25-hydroxy-vitamin D levels. Clinical and
laboratory parameters were evaluated according to tertiles.
Hospitalization rates and overall survival were compared
between tertiles. Independent predictors of all cause mortality
were defined.
Results. Patients with low vitamin D tertile
were mostly women (p=0.001), and had a worse NYHA
functional class (p=0.005). During follow-up, deaths were
more frequent in the first tertile (p = 0.001). All-cause
mortality increased significantly with decreasing vitamin D
tertiles (from third tertile 7.9%, to 11.9%, to 26%; log rank
test p=0.003). No significant difference was observed at
the composite endpoint of mortality or HF hospitalizations
(P=0.451). Multivariate analysis supported that low vitamin
D concentration was an independent predictor of all causes
of mortality (HR 0.93; 95% CI 0.89-0.97; p=0.004).
Conclusions. Low vitamin D levels were
independent predictors of all-cause mortality in the elderly
population with chronic heart failure.
Keywords: Heart failure, Vitamin D, Mortality,
Correspondence: Gülsüm Meral Yilmaz Öztekin MD, University of Health Sciences, Antalya Education and Research Hospital,
Department of Cardiology. Varlik Neighborhood. Kazim Karabekir Road, Antalya, 07100, Turkey, E-mail: gmeralyilmaz@gmail.com