The International Journal of Romanian Society of Endocrinology / Registered in 1938

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April - June 2024, Volume 20, Issue 2
General Endocrinology

Dinca AL, Diaconu A, Birla RD, Coculescu BI, Dinca VG, Tudorache IS, Stoica L, Marica C, Coculescu EC, Panaitescu E, Manole G, Constantinoiu SM

Systemic Inflammatory Markers - Prognostic Value in Ovarian Cancer

Acta Endo (Buc) 2024, 20 (2): 162-169
doi: 10.4183/aeb.2024.162

Background. Chronic inflammation is associated with different cancers, and is identified as a key pathogenic mechanism in ovarian cancer. The purpose of our study was to evaluate systemic inflammation markers, as predictive and prognostic factors, in ovarian cancer patients with initial surgical treatment. Subjects and Methods. We performed a retrospective study on 60 ovarian cancer patients with primary cytoreduction surgery, between 2010-2018, with a follow-up period of at least one year. We analyzed systemic inflammation markers and their correlations with the clinical, paraclinical, tumor characteristics, or treatment particularities, and evaluated them as prognostic factors for overall survival. Results. In the univariate analysis, no statistically significantly differences were observed, by correlating the systemic inflammation markers with age, reproductive status, FIGO stage, or type of cytoreduction. Higher neutrophillymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) were statistically significant associated with deceased patients, and lower lymphocyte-monocyte ratio (LMR) had statistical significance for living patients. For the patients in the group, the increase of NLR, as well as of PLR leads to the increased risk of death, and the increase of LMR leads to the decrease of this risk. In the multivariate regression analysis, the increase of NLR determined an increased risk of death by 9.7%, and for LMR a reduced risk of death by 46.9%. Conclusions. Systemic inflammation markers had no statistical significance correlated with age, reproductive status, FIGO stage, serous cancer type, or type of cytoreduction but only with overall survival. NLR is an independent risk factor, while LMR is an independent protection factor as well as optimal cytoreduction.

Keywords: ovarian cancer, inflammatory markers, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), lymphocyte-monocyte ratio (LMR), survival prognosis.

Correspondence: Coculescu Bogdan-Ioan, Cantacuzino National Military Medical Institute for Research and Development, 103 Splaiul Independentei, Cod 050096, District 5, Bucharest, Romania, E-mail: