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Acta Endocrinologica (Buc)
Dugeroglu H, Ozer N, Ozturk M
Variations of Serum Dehydroepiandrosterone-Sulphate (DHEAS) Level with Pregnancy, Fertility, Abortion, Ovarian Reserve and Endothelial Functions
Acta Endo (Buc) 2024, 20 (1): 51-58doi: 10.4183/aeb.2024.51
Objectives. It was aimed to evaluate the
relationship of Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate(DHEAS)
level with pregnancy, fertility, abortion, ovarian reserve
and endothelial functions.
Patients and Method. Ninety-six fertile women
aged 20-35 years whose DHEAS levels were measured
and 28 women aged 40-55 years with oligomenorrheaamenorrhea
were included in the study.The DHEAS values
of the patients,which were measured at least 12 months
apart,were recorded.
Results. The first measured mean DHEAS level
was 208.34±119.7ug/dL and the last measured mean
DHEAS level was 187.5±101.7ug/dL. Among 28 patients
with oligomenorrhea-amenorrhea, the levels of DHEAS
increased in 10 patients and decreased in 18 patients.
Although the annual decrease in DHEAS levels was greater
in those who had pregnancy than in those who had not
given birth, the difference was not statistically significant
(p=0.085). Although the initial DHEAS level in 5 patients
who had an abortion was higher than in those who did
not have an abortion, the difference was not statistically
significant (p=0.427). The increase in systolic blood pressure
was statistically significant in patients with decreased
DHEAS levels (p=0.03). While the mean DHEAS level was
85.3±47.3ug/dL in menopausal patients, the DHEAS level
was 82.1±49.2ug/dL in non-menopausal patients (p=0.435).
Conclusion. The age at which the DHEAS
level reaches its peak level shows individual differences.
While pregnancy slows down the decrease in DHEAS
levels,abortion accelerates the decrease in DHEAS levels. A
decrease in serum DHEAS levels can increase systolic blood
Keywords: Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate, fertility, pregnancy, abortion menopause, hypertension.
Correspondence: Harun Dureroglu, Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty, Ordu University, Bucak Mahallesi, Nefsi Bucak Caddesi,i No: 94/1. Postal code:52200. Altinordu-Ordu-Turkey, E-mail: harun.dugeroglu@hotmail.com.