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The International Journal of Romanian Society of Endocrinology / Registered in 1938in Web of Science Master Journal List
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Endocrine Care
Simescu M, Dumitriu L, Sava M, Ciovernache D, Colda A, Balmes E, Ursu H, Bistriceanu M, Zosin I, Duncea I, Balasz J, Kun I, Dragatoiu G, Hazi G, Coamesu I, Harsan T, Stamoran L, Florescu E, Vitiuc M, Varciu M, Budura I, Fugaciu A, Hutanu T, Lepadatu D, Sulac H, Sirbu A
Urinary Iodine Levels in Schoolchildren and Pregnant Women After the Legislative Changes in the Salt IodizationActa Endo (Buc) 2006 2(1): 33-44 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2006.33
AbstractEndemic goiter occurred in different degrees throughout 2/3 of Romania, mainly in the Carpathian area. The prophylaxis of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) using salt iodization was introduced in 1956 with potassium iodate, KIO3, 15-25 mg/1kg salt, but only in 23 districts. In 2002 a new legislation introduced the mandatory use of the iodized salt in a higher concentration in households of all 41 districts and also in the baking industry. The study aims to evaluate the effects of iodine legislation changes upon the urinary iodine excretion (UIC) in schoolchildren (study group A) and pregnant women (study group B). Urine samples were collected from 3737 schoolchildren aged 6-14 years of 14 districts and from 1283 pregnant women of 11 districts in the years 2004-2005. In two areas - Bistrita Nasaud and Bucharest - the number of schoolchildren was larger, i.e. 465 and 1617 respectively. UIC was determined in spot urine samples by Sandell Kolthoff?s method. The results show in schoolchildren an increase of the median UIC in 9 out of 14 districts up to 90 ? 61.1 ?g/L (range 12.5-300 ?g/L). Six of these districts are in the Carpathian area. However, in pregnant women in 2004, UIC still showed low levels of 55 ? 48.78 ?g/L (range 12.5-280 ?g/L) in all 11 studied districts and in Bucharest, close to the UIC obtained in the year 2001. In conclusion, this study revealed an increase of median values of UIC in schoolchildren after universal salt iodization program. The persistence of iodine deficiency in pregnant women in the studied districts is an emergency problem that has to be solved as soon as possible. This fact involves the necessity of a large monitoring program in the next years, in all districts in urban and rural areas and in all known pockets of endemia. -
Endocrine Care
Toma A, Sava M, Delia C, Simescu M, Tomescu E, Coculescu M
Universal salt iodization effects on endemic goiter in Arges county, RomaniaActa Endo (Buc) 2005 1(2): 167-180 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2005.167
Abstract ReferencesBackground. In the Carpathian area of Romania the Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) including endemic goiter are a public health problem. Recently, the legislation imposing salt iodization was strengthened (from 10 to 20 ± 5 mg iodine/kg salt) and enlarged (universal salt iodization, USI, has been applied to bread industry since 2002). Objective. The effect of bread iodization by law upon the characteristics of goiter endemy was assessed in Arges county, Romania. Design. The characteristics of goiter endemy (as defined by WHO/ICCIDD/UNICEF) were determined in children in the years 1999 (control group C) and 2004 (study group S), two years after universal bread iodization. In the control group C there were 1,241 schoolchildren 6-14 years old, living in 5 villages and in Pitesti town. In the study group S there were 408 schoolchildren 6-12 years old, living in 7 villages and in Pitesti town. After universal bread iodization, a neonatal screening for hypothyroidism was also performed on 11,216 newborns in Arges county, between January 2003 and December 2004. The content of KIO3 in the salt was assessed both in samples collected from village shops in the years 1999 (10 samples) and 2004 (17 samples). The iodine content of drinking water in Arges county villages was assessed in 1999. Methods. Three parameters of IDD endemy were evaluated, i.e. the thyroid volume in schoolchildren by palpation or/and ultrasonography, urinary iodine by the Sandell-Kolthoff method, and neonatal blood TSH levels in dry spot by immunoassay. A questionnaire was filled in by 912 schoolchildren in 1999 and by 408 schoolchildren in 2004.1. Hetzel BS. Eliminating iodine deficiency disorders?the role of the International Council in the global partnership. Bull World Health Organ 2002; 80(5):410-413.2. Bleichrodt N, Born M. Metaanalysis of research on iodine out its relationshp to cognitive development. 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