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The International Journal of Romanian Society of Endocrinology / Registered in 1938in Web of Science Master Journal List
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Notes & Comments
Unal E, Pirinccioglu AG, Yanmaz SY, Yilmaz K, Taskesen M, Haspolat YK
A Different Perspective of Elevated Lactate in Pediatric Patients with Diabetic KetoacidosisActa Endo (Buc) 2020 16(1): 32-35 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2020.32
AbstractObjective. This study aims to determine the frequency and prognostic significance of lactic acidosis in children with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit. Methods. The study was carried out retrospectively by examining the patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit for the treatment of DKA. The ages of the patients ranged from 2 to 18 years. The patients with the following parameters were enrolled in the study: serum blood glucose>200 mg/dL, ketonuria presence, venous blood gas pH ≤7.1, bicarbonate <15. Results. A total of 56 patients were included in the study with a mean age of 111.07 ± 51.13 months. The recovery time from DKA was 16.05 ± 6.25 h in the group with low lactate level and it was 13.57 ± 8.34 h in the group with high lactate level with no statistically significant difference. There was a negative correlation between lactate levels and the recovery time from DKA. Conclusion. Lactic acidosis is common in DKA, and unlike other conditions, such as sepsis, it is not always a finding of poor prognosis that predicts the severity of the disease or mortality. We think that high lactate may even protect against possible brain edema-cerebral damage in DKA. -
Endocrine Care
Protasiewicz Timofticiuc DC, Vladu IM, Stefan AG, Fortofoiu MC, Mitrea A, Fortofoiu M, Mota M
Stop-Bang Questionnaire – an Easy Tool for Identifying Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes MellitusActa Endo (Buc) 2022 18(1): 49-57 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2022.49
AbstractBackground. Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have a higher risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) compared to the general population. Our study aims to analyze the usefulness of the STOP-BANG score, tool which was not yet validated in patients with diabetets, as a tool that estimates the severity of OSA, in patients with T2DM. Methods. 120 patients, who answered the STOPBANG questionnaire and underwent polysomnography, were included in the study. The patients were divided into 3 groups, depending on the severity of OSA, defined by the apnea/hypopnea index (AHI). Results. A significant percentage of participants (42.1%) had a severe form of OSA (AHI ≥30) and a high percentage of subjects had a STOP-BANG score ≥5 (58.7%), equivalent to a severe form of the disease. The STOP-BANG score increased proportionally with AHI (p<0.001). The area under the ROC curve for the STOP-Bang score indicated an optimal cut-off value of 4.5, with a sensitivity of 88.2% and a specificity of 62.9% (p <0.001), STOP-BANG score ≥5 being an independent predictor for severe OSA in patients with T2DM. Conclusions. The STOP-BANG score can be used in patients with diabetes to detect severe OSA in order to establish appropriate therapeutic measures. -
Endocrine Care
Ferlicolak L, Yildiz B, Altintas ND
Effects of Diabetes and First-Week Hyperglycemic Episode Frequency on the Mortality and Inflammation in Critically Ill Covid-19 Patients: A Casecontrol StudyActa Endo (Buc) 2023 19(1): 49-53 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2023.49
AbstractBackground. We know that mortality had increased in diabetic patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. The aim of this study was to compare the mortality and inflammation parameters difference in critically ill COVID-19 patients according to their admission HbA1c levels and diabetes mellitus status. Secondary aim was to evaluate the effect of the first week hyperglycemic episode frequency on mortality. Methods. Critically ill COVID-19 patients who were tested for HbA1c levels on ICU admission were analyzed retrospectively. Results. Of 218 COVID PCR(+) patients, 139 met the inclusion criteria in study period. The median age was 67[57-76] years and 55(40%) of them were female. Seventy-six (55%) of the patients required invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). The IMV requirement was higher in diabetic patients (p=0.01). When the groups were compared in terms of inflammatory parameters no significant difference was found except for admission and first week’s highest fibrinogen levels (p=0.02 and p=0.03, respectively). In multivariate analysis, fibrinogen levels were not determined as a risk factor for mortality. Overall ICU mortality was 43% (60/139). In group-1 23(37%), in group-2 27(57%), and in group-3 10(34%) patients had died. There was no statistically significant difference between groups in terms of mortality (p=0.05). Records of 96(69%) patients revealed there were more than five glucose readings over 180mg/dL during the first week. Mortality was higher in patients with more frequently hyperglycemic recordings (p=0.03). Conclusions. There was no significant mortality and inflammatory parameters difference in patients with and without diabetes. However, more than five glucose readings over 180mg/dL during the first week were found with increased mortality. -
Endocrine Care
Caglar E, Hatipoglu E, Atasoy D, Niyazoglu M, Çaglar AS, Tuncer M, Dobrucali A, Kadioglu P
Longer Cecum Insertion Time and More Inadequate Colonic Preparation in Patients with Acromegaly: is a Different Colonoscopy Preparation Needed?Acta Endo (Buc) 2017 13(1): 60-64 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2017.60
AbstractPurpose. To investigate whether there is a difference between acromegalic and non-acromegalic cases in terms of bowel preparation and colonoscopic intervention. Methods. Patients with controlled and uncontrolled acromegaly and as a control group (CG) patients without acromegaly between January 2010 and March 2014 were included. Groups were compared regarding adequacy of bowel preparation, cecal insertion time (CIT) and colonoscopy results. Results. Fifty-nine patients with acromegaly (controlled n=30, uncontrolled n=29) and 73 age and gender matched volunteers without acromegaly were evaluated. CIT in cases with controlled, uncontrolled acromegaly cases and in CG was 5.33 [4.00-6.00], 7.00 [4.91-11.31], and 3.10 [2.35-4.65] minutes, respectively (p<0.001). Cases in CG had shorter CIT compared to controlled and uncontrolled acromegaly cases ( p=0.014 and p<0.001, respectively). There was no significant difference regarding CIT between controlled and uncontrolled acromegaly cases (p=0.247). Six (20%) of controlled acromegaly patients, 10 (35%) of uncontrolled acromegaly patients and three (4%) of CG had inadequate bowel cleansing (p<0.001). Although statistically insignificant, cases with inadequate bowel cleansing had tendency towards having prolonged CIT in comparison to cases with adequate bowel cleansing (6.00 [3.87-9.00] and 4.16 [2.95-5.70] minutes, respectively, p=0.07). Conclusion. Inadequate bowel cleansing is one of the main problems encountered during colonoscopic investigation/surveillance in acromegalic patients. Therefore, a different protocol for colonoscopy preparation may be needed for these cases. -
Case Report
Tastekin E, Can N, Ayturk S, Celik M, Ustun F, Guldiken S, Sezer A, Celik H, Koten M
Clinically Undetectable Occult Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma Presenting with Cervical Lymph Node MetastasisActa Endo (Buc) 2016 12(1): 72-76 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2016.72
AbstractBackground. Occult papillary thyroid carcinoma presented as isolated cervical lymphadenopathy without clinical and radiologic findings has been rarely reported. Case report. A 47 years old female patient admitted to otorhinolaryngology clinic with 4X3 cm sized cervical mass. Physical examination of the patient was noted as a nontender, firm, mobile lymph node at right lateral cervical region. There was no inflammatory or infection disease in the history of patients anamnesis and no abnormal value on laboratory tests. Ultrasound screening of the neck detected a lymph node with suspicious features for malignancy. Head and neck examination was normal and there is no evidence of a tumoral mass or nodule in the thyroid gland. Whole body scan of MRI showed no pathologic sign both in the neck and body. Excisional biopsy was performed and revealed a carcinoma with papillary morphology. Immunohistochemical staining features of the tumor confirmed a papillary carcinoma derived from the thyroid gland. Second look USG of the neck and thyroid was performed but it revealed no tumoral mass. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy with right functional and central lymph node dissection. Histological examination of the thyroid gland showed multicentric 2 mm sized, three foci of papillary carcinoma located in bilateral thyroid lobes and metastatic lymph nodes in the right side of the neck. Conclusion. A metastatic cervical lymph node can be evidence of a clinically undetected occult papillary thyroid carcinoma. Specific immunohistochemistry staining of specimen may lead to appropriate surgery and progression of carcinoma may be hindered by application of additional RAI therapy. -
Endocrine Care
Altintas E, Simsek Bagir G, Eksi Haydardedeoglu F, Bag H
Effect of Health Anxiety on Glycemic Control in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus: A Single Center, Cross Sectional StudyActa Endo (Buc) 2023 19(1): 73-80 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2023.73
AbstractContext. Health anxiety was rarely investigated in Type II Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). Objectives. The present study examines the effect of health anxiety on glycemic control and evaluates factors associated with health anxiety in patients with T2DM according to HbA1c level. Design. Cross-sectional. Subjects and Methods. Socio Demographic Data Form (SDVF), Health Anxiety Inventory-Short Form(SHAI), The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were administered to 185 patients with Type II DM . Patients were divided into two groups according to HbA1 c level (HbA1c levels below 7 (Group 1, n=69) and above 7 (Group 2, n=185)). We analyzed prevalence of health anxiety, factors associated with health anxiety between poor and good glycemic control and evaluated of T2DM patients according to health anxiety scale scores. Results. SHAI scale scores were low in 52 (28%), intermediate in 58 (31.2%) and high in 76 (40.8%) of the patients. We found the severity of depressive symptoms was positively correlated with health anxiety in both groups. As a result of this study, there was a relationship between high education and low socioeconomic level, having a job, exercise and anxiety level and low SHAI score in T2DM patients. Depression, stressful life events in the last 6 months were related with high health anxiety. Although the level of health anxiety was not different between groups, low blood sugar levels were related with high health anxiety. Conclusions. This study found that the prevalence of health anxiety in T2DM patients was higher than expected irrespective to poor or good glycemic control, but level of health anxiety in patients with T2DM is not a good predictor for the HbA1c level. -
Endocrine Care
Durmus SE, Balta H, Demirtas R, Kurt A
Malignancy Rates of Atypia of Undetermined Significance/Follicular Lesion of Undetermined Significance (AUS/FLUS) Cases: a Tertiary Center StudyActa Endo (Buc) 2021 17(1): 77-82 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2021.77
AbstractAim. To evaluate the malignancy rates of Atypia of undetermined significance /follicular lesion of undetermined significance (AUS/FLUS) cases in the light of clinical and sonographic features. Material and Methods. The percentage of AUS/ FLUS cases, second fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) results, cyto-histopathological correlations and risk of malignancy were analyzed. Results. 113 out of 1461 thyroid FNAC samples (7.7%) were diagnosed as AUS/FLUS and included in the study. Seventy three out of 113 cases (64.6 %) underwent repeat biopsies or surgery. From 45 cases repeat biopsies were taken and 28 had thyroidectomy or lobectomy. There was a significant relation between nodule size and underwent surgery or repeat FNAC (p=0.036). Malignancy rate was 24.6% for cases which had any managements. The malignancy rates were higher in AUS/FLUS cases with cytological atypia (28.8%). After surgery the most common malignancy was papillary thyroid carcinoma, followed by follicular carcinoma. Conclusion. The risk of malignancy of AUS/ FLUS cases is quite high because of the heterogeneity of the group. The sub-classification of this category according to cytological or/and architecture atypia may be more useful in predicting malignancy risk. Further larger studies with ancillary techniques including molecular analysis may be more useful in determining the malignancy risk and appropriate management of this heterogeneous category. -
Case Report
Tasma H, Shalamar S
Giant Prolactinoma: an Unusual Case of Obstructive HydrocephalusActa Endo (Buc) 2011 7(1): 95-100 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2011.95
AbstractProlactinoma causing obstructive hydrocephalus is quite rare. We present a case of a 28-year-old previously healthy man who presented with sudden onset of dysarthria and expressive aphasia along with intense bifrontal headache and shortterm memory loss. Initial brain CT and brain MRI revealed a large 5.2 x 4.7 x 2.6 cm suprasellar mass, which extended to the third ventricle reaching up to the foramen of Monro and laterally displacing both internal carotid arteries. He was emergently placed an external ventricular drainage to relieve intracranial hypertension which led to immediate reversal of mental status as well as speech ability. His extensive endocrine work-up demonstrated a prolactin level with dilution of 12,650 µg/L (normal=2-18 µg/L) (549,996.7 pmol/L) consistent with the diagnosis of giant macroprolactinoma. Bromocriptine was initiated with successful tumor shrinkage and normalization of prolactin level within 7 months after initial presentation. Our case demonstrates the importance of obtaining a thorough hormonal evaluation of a large sellar lesion causing obstructive hydrocephalus to allow for an accurate diagnosis. It also demonstrates the effectiveness of medical therapy in the treatment of macroprolactinomas, even if very large. Medical treatment with dopamine agonists is still a first-line, effective approach with a favorable outcome in patients with giant macroprolactinomas causing intracranial hypertension and neurological symptoms as was the case in our patient. -
Case Report
Kiper Yilmaz HT, Tosun Tasar P, Carlioglu A
Hypercalcemic Crisis in Systemic Lupus ErythematosusActa Endo (Buc) 2018 14(1): 102-104 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2018.102
AbstractSevere hypercalcemia is often caused by primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP), which is not commonly seen in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In this case report a 77 years old woman with a history of SLE develops mild hypercalcemia secondary to unrecognized PHP that leads to a hypercalcemic crisis with a prolonged recovery. Therefore, early diagnostic evaluation of persistent hypercalcemia in patients with SLE is important for detection and appropriate treatment of PHP to avoid a hypercalcemic crisis and associated prolonged morbidity. -
Notes & Comments
Unal E, Pirinccioglu AG, Yanmaz SY, Yilmaz K, Taskesen M, Haspolat YK
A Different Perspective of Elevated Lactate in Pediatric Patients with Diabetic KetoacidosisActa Endo (Buc) 2020 16(1): 114-117 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2020.114
AbstractObjective. This study aims to determine the frequency and prognostic significance of lactic acidosis in children with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit. Methods. The study was carried out retrospectively by examining the patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit for the treatment of DKA. The ages of the patients ranged from 2 to 18 years. The patients with the following parameters were enrolled in the study: serum blood glucose>200 mg/dL, ketonuria presence, venous blood gas pH ≤7.1, bicarbonate <15. Results. A total of 56 patients were included in the study with a mean age of 111.07 ± 51.13 months. The recovery time from DKA was 16.05 ± 6.25 h in the group with low lactate level and it was 13.57 ± 8.34 h in the group with high lactate level with no statistically significant difference. There was a negative correlation between lactate levels and the recovery time from DKA. Conclusion. Lactic acidosis is common in DKA, and unlike other conditions, such as sepsis, it is not always a finding of poor prognosis that predicts the severity of the disease or mortality. We think that high lactate may even protect against possible brain edema-cerebral damage in DKA.