The International Journal of Romanian Society of Endocrinology / Registered in 1938

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April - June 2024, Volume 20, Issue 2
Clinical review/Extensive clinical experience

Yabanoglu H, Arer IM, Ozarslan F

Parathyroid Cancer: Review of Uncommon Disease

Acta Endo (Buc) 2024, 20 (2): 212-221
doi: 10.4183/aeb.2024.212

Parathyroid cancer is an uncommon endocrine malignancy. It has slow clinical course and low malignancy potential. It represents 1% of primary hyperparathyroidism. It results with more agrressive biological behaviour and severe clinical condition than benign reasons. Extended resection in the first operation is essential for PC treatment and decreases local recurrence that is observed in high frequency. Palliative surgery should be considered in patients with unresectable tumor. Immunotherapy and recent interventional radiological procedures are considered for patients that are unfit to surgery. Effect of adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy is limited however recent immunization studies are promising. Parathyroid cancer epidemiology, staging system, diagnosis and advancements in treatment are considered according to recent literature in this review.

Keywords: Parathyroid cancer, En-bloc resection, Hypercalcemia, Follow-up.

Correspondence: Ilker Murat Arer, Emsey Hospital, Department of General Surgery, 22 Camlik District Selcuklu Street, 34890 Pendik, Istanbul, Turkey, E-mail: