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  • General Endocrinology

    Cocolos AM, Vladoiu S, Caragheorgheopol A, Ghemigian AM, Ioachim D, Poiana C

    Vitamin D Level and its Relationship aith Cancer Stage in Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma

    Acta Endo (Buc) 2022 18(2): 168-173 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2022.168

    Background. Differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) has witnessed an increase in incidence and although it is considered to have a slow grow potential and a 90% 10- year survival rate, local or distant metastases can be observed in 20%. It is essential to recognize other factors associated with malignancy and poor prognosis. Vitamin D and its deficiency has proven useful as a prognostic biomarker for many types of cancer, including thyroid cancer. Aim. Evaluate the relationship between vitamin D status in DTC and benign thyroid disorders patients and correlation between vitamin D and histopathological findings in DTC group. Methods. Study included 170 patients with confirmed DTC and 200 with benign thyroid pathology. Evaluation included 25-hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D], ultrasound and histopathologic features. Results. In DTC patients, mean value of vitamin D was significantly lower (17.86 ng/mL ± 9.31 DS versus 20.26 ng/mL ± 9.31 DS, p=0.029). Statistical analysis confirmed a negative correlation between vitamin D levels and tumor size (T) according to TNM classification (r=-0.176, p=0.02). Conclusions. Vitamin D level was significantly lower in the DTC group and 25(OH)D levels may be correlated with histopathology features like tumor size and aggressiveness according to TNM classification.
  • Endocrine Care

    Giurgiuca A, Nemes B, Schipor S, Caragheorgheopol A, Boscaiu V, Cozman D, Tudose C

    Cortisol Levels and Suicide in Bipolar I Disorder

    Acta Endo (Buc) 2017 13(2): 188-194 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2017.188

    Context. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis irregularities have been described both in bipolar disorder and suicidal behaviour, but few studies have examined the relationship between suicidal behaviours and cortisol levels in bipolar disorder. Objective. We compared HPA axis activity in bipolar I (BPD I) individuals with and without suicidal ideation and behaviour through multiple measurement of serum and salivary cortisol. Design. Cross-sectional, observational study. Subjects and Methods. 75 BPD I patients were assigned into 3 groups (no history of suicidal behaviour, history of suicidal ideation, history of suicide attempt), according to the C-SSRS. Socio-demographical and clinical data was obtained by using MINI 6.0 and a semi-structured questionnaire. Salivary samples were collected using Sarstedt Cortisol Salivette synthetic swab system for two consecutive days at 08:00, 16:00, 23:00 and salivary cortisol concentrations were determined by ELISA technique. A unique 1mg dose of dexamethasone was administered on the first day, at 23:00, after the collection of the saliva sample. Blood was collected on the first day at 8:00 AM and basal morning serum cortisol levels were determined by immunoassay with fluorescence detection. Results. Cortisol parameters in our BPD I sample did not vary significantly in respect to suicidal history. However, patients with a history of suicidal ideation have significantly higher total cortisol outputs than patients with no history of suicidal behaviour in the 18 to 40 age category compared with the above 40 age category. Conclusions. Total cortisol daily output varies significantly in an age-dependent manner in respect to suicidal thoughts in BPD I individuals.
  • Case Series

    Ilie I, Ciubotaru V, Tulin A, Hortopan D, Caragheorgheopol A, Purice M, Neamtu C, Elian VI, Banica A, Oprea L, Musat M

    The Multifarious Cushing’s – Lessons from a Case Series

    Acta Endo (Buc) 2019 15(2): 261-269 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2019.261

    Endogenous Cushing’s syndrome is rare, with an incidence of 0.7–2.4 per a million people a year. Clinical presentation of Cushing syndrome can be pleomorphic, and establishing diagnosis can be difficult. Early recognition and rapid control of hypercortisolaemia are necessary to decrease morbidity and mortality in these patients. We report a series of 6 endogenous Cushing’s syndromes of different etiologies (4 Cushing’s disease and 2 adrenal Cushing’s syndrome) assessed in our endocrine department over a decade (2009-2019). In order to highlight the diversity of clinical forms, diagnostic tools and specific management of this condition we labelled each case suggestively: the typical Cushing’s disease, the Pseudo Cushing’s, the elusive Cushing’s disease, the mild autonomous cortisol hypersecretion, Cushing’s syndrome in pregnancy and Cushing’s disease with thromboembolism. We discussed their particularities which were revelatory for the diagnosis, such as dermatologic, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, neuropsychiatric, or reproductive signs, reviewing literature for each manifestation. We also discuss the commonalities and differences in laboratory and imagistic findings. Therapeutic approach can also differ with respect to the particular condition of each patient and the multiple choices of therapy will be reviewed.
  • General Endocrinology

    Giurgiuca A, Schipor S, Caragheorgheopol A, Crasan A, Postolache E, Tudose C, Prelipceanu D , Cozman D

    Platelet Serotonin as Biomarker for Assessing Suicidal Behaviour in Patients with Bipolar I Disorder

    Acta Endo (Buc) 2016 12(3): 275-281 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2016.275

    Context. Suicide is a global public health issue. Bipolar disorder (BPD) has the highest suicide risk among individuals suffering from mental disorders. Serotoninergic dysfunctions have been linked to suicidal behaviour and platelet serotonin is recognised as a reliable index for the presynaptic serotonin activity. Objective. Our aim was to assess whether alterations occur in platelet serotonin concentrations in BPD type I in respect to suicide attempters compared with nonattempters. Design. This was a cross-sectional, observational study. Subjects and Methods. Plasma platelet serotonin concentrations were measured using ELISA technique in 71 BPD I patients. The participants were assigned into 3 groups (non-attempters, low lethality and high lethality suicide attempters), according to the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale. Socio-demographical and clinical data was obtained by using MINI 6.0 and a semi-structured questionnaire designed specifically for this research. Results. Our study showed significant lower levels of platelet serotonin in suicide attempters compared with non-attempters (p = 0.030) and in high-lethality attempters compared with low-lethality attempters (p = 0.015). The study recorded a higher number of total lifetime and lifetime depressive episodes for suicide attempters with BPD I. Conclusions. Our results subscribe to the importance of platelet serotonin as a reliable biomarker in suicide risk assessment.
  • Endocrine Care

    Gheorghiu ML, Gussi I, Lutescu I, Galoiu S, Hortopan D, Caragheorgheopol A, Coculescu M

    Mantaining physiological levels of serum prolactin in prolactinomas treated with dopamine agonists throughout pregnancy prevents tumor growth

    Acta Endo (Buc) 2005 1(3): 281-298 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2005.281

    Abstract References
    Introduction: Prolactinomas may grow during pregnancy. Dopamine agonists (DA) prevent tumor growth, but usually suppress prolactin (PRL) both in mother and fetus. Possible long-term consequences on fetal development remain unknown.\r\nAim: to assess whether DA treatment throughout pregnancy in a dosage able to maintain physiological gestational serum levels of prolactin (PRL) still prevents prolactinoma growth.\r\nPatients and methods: We evaluated 68 pregnancies in 49 women with prolactinoma (PRM) and 46 pregnancies in healthy women as controls. Thirty-three pregnancies were recorded in 27 women treated throughout pregnancy with bromocriptine (BRC) (n = 25) or cabergoline (CAB) (n = 2) divided in 2 groups: group A (22 pregnancies in 18 patients) had suppressed serum PRL (below the 5th percentile of the control group Z during the last trimester); group B (11 pregnancies in 10 patients) had physiological serum PRL levels. Other 26 pregnancies in 21 patients were incompletely evaluated and included only in the pregnancy outcome and cure rate analysis. Treated patients were compared with the control group Y 8 women with PRM who discontinued DA after pregnancy induction (9 pregnancies) and a control group Z of 46 healthy pregnant women, randomly selected from two departments of Obstetrics. Patients with multiple pregnancies were recorded in each corresponding study group.\r\nResults: In the control group Y, tumor size showed an increase in 2 (intrasellar macroPRM) out of 8 cases (25%). DA treatment throughout gestation in 27 women with PRM prevented the growth in all cases and induced a shrinkage of more than 30% of tumor mass in 8/14 macroPRM (57.1%), i.e., in 4/7 (57.1%) of macroPRM with physiological serum PRL levels during pregnancy, and in 5/8 (62.5%) of macroPRM with suppressed PRL levels (p = NS) (1 patient had pregnancies in both groups). Low dose DA (BRC 2.5 ? 5 mg/day or CAB 0.5 mg/week) maintains physiological PRL levels in 6/12 (50%) macroPRM, but suppressed PRL in 80% of microPRM. Cure was recorded in 6/49 (12.2%) of patients. Two patients with PRM-induced neuroophthalmic syndrome were successfully treated with DA throughout 1 and respectively 3 pregnancies.\r\nConclusions: Some women with prolactinomas showed a tumour size increase if they were not treated with dopamine agonists throughout pregnancy. Maintaining physiological serum PRL levels during pregnancy (frequently with low doses of DA) prevented tumor growth, avoiding a PRL suppression that may have subtle influence on long-term foetal development.
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  • Endocrine Care

    Nicolae I, CaragheorgheopolA, Schipor S, NicolaeC, Paun D, Coman O, Benea V

    Gangliosides and Sex Hormones in Human Melanoma

    Acta Endo (Buc) 2011 7(3): 337-344 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2011.337

    Background. Malignant melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer with a rapidly increasing incidence rate. In contrast to other tumors, the role of sex steroid hormones\r\nin the initiation and progression of melanoma remains unclear.\r\nObjective. To assess the interaction between the content and composition of gangliosides and sex steroid hormones 17&#946;-\r\nestradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) in malignant melanoma.\r\nPatients and methods. The analysis included 45 melanoma patients (age 28-86; 14 men, 15 non -pregnant women in mid\r\nfollicular phase and 16 postmenopausal women) and 46 healthy controls. Serum levels of gangliosides (GM1-3, GD1a,b,2,3, GT1b, GQ1b), estradiol, testosterone measured in serum by chromatographic and immunochemiluminescence methods were correlated with sex and age.\r\nResults. Steroid hormones levels showed no differences between groups (p>0.05), while total gangliosides in normal\r\nserum were significantly lower than total ganglioside concentrations determined in melanoma samples (18.63 ? 3.17 mg/dL versus 74.82 ? 34.56 mg/dL) (p<0.05). There were no differences related to sex or age within groups regarding total gangliosides levels. Gangliosides pattern in\r\nmelanoma patients compared to control showed lower GM3, higher GD3, lower GM3/GD3 ratio, increased GD2 levels, and\r\nno significant variation of GM1, GM2, GD1a, GT1b gangliosides. There is a positive correlation between estradiol levels and total gangliosides concentration both in non-pregnant premenopausal and postmenopausal melanoma patients. GM3 is negatively correlated with estradiol levels in melanoma group, GT1b and O-Acetyl GD3 concentrations are positively correlated with estradiol levels in women with melanoma. Testosterone levels showed no significant\r\ncorrelation with the content and pattern of gangliosides in melanoma patients.\r\nConclusions. The correlations between content and composition of gangliosides and estradiol in melanoma suggest a possible role of these molecules in melanoma behavior.
  • Case Report

    Coculescu M, Badiu C, Galoiu S, Caragheorgheopol A, Stancu C, Morris JF

    Evolution under complex therapy of acromegaly due to a pituitary plurihormonal adenoma with colocalisation of GH and FSH

    Acta Endo (Buc) 2006 2(3): 337-348 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2006.337

    We present the case of a 29 years young man with acromegaly caused by a plurihormonal pituitary adenoma expressing GH, PRL, FSH and TSH within the tumoral cells. Immunoassays showed a high serum level of GH and PRL, and a serum level within normal ranges for FSH, TSH and LH. Tumoral immunohistochemistry (avidin biotin technique) was positive for GH, PRL and TSH. The presence and colocalisation of GH and FSH was shown by immunelectronmicroscopy with double immunogold techniques. The gold particles (sizes 10 nm for GH and 15 nm for FSH) were colocalised within the same translucent secretory granules of some tumor cells, ultrastructurally similar to gonadotroph cells, aside from other tumor somatotroph cells with dense secretory granules and only 10 nm antiserum GH gold particles. High cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of FSH and a high ratio of CSF/serum FSH concentrations, above 1, were the first indicators that revealed, before pituitary surgery, that FSH is secreted from the pituitary tumor. TSH was a &#8220;mute&#8221; hormone, without biochemical or clinical expression outside the tumor. This pituitary adenoma showed a good response to surgery and to conventional high voltage conformational radiotherapy with the usual dose of 50 Gy. Bromocriptine and Octreotide, but not the gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (Triptorelin), produced additional beneficial effects. It is tempting to suggest a somatogonadotroph cell as precursor of this pituitary tumor.
  • Endocrine Care

    Gheorghiu ML, Hortopan D, Dumitrascu A, Caragheorgheopol A,Stefanescu A, Trifanescu R, Niculescu DA, Baciu I, Carsote M,Poiana C, Badiu C, Coculescu M

    Age-related endocrine tumors: non-functioning adrenal tumors as compared to pituitary adenomas

    Acta Endo (Buc) 2009 5(3): 371-384 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2009.371

    Background. Advances in imaging techniques have led to increasing discovery of\r\nadrenal and pituitary &#8220;incidentalomas&#8221;, tumors with normal endocrine function and no\r\ncompression mass effects. We evaluated the age at diagnosis (AD) in patients with benign\r\nnon-functioning adrenal incidentalomas, as compared to pituitary non-functioning tumors,\r\nin a series of patients from a national center of endocrinology. Methods. From 2,123\r\nconsecutive patients with adrenal and pituitary tumors hospitalized between 1977 - 2009,\r\n2,069 patients were analysed. The study groups included: group A - 137 patients with\r\nadrenal incidentalomas (AI), group B - 534 patients with pituitary incidentalomas (PI).\r\nControl groups included 1,398 patients: group C1 147 patients with adrenal carcinomas or\r\nbenign hormone-secreting adrenal tumors, and group C2, 1,251 patients with pituitary\r\nsecreting adenomas or large non-functioning pituitary macroadenomas (NFA). Imaging was\r\ndone by computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance after 1981 and by skull X-ray or\r\npneumoencephalography before 1981. Results. Mean age AD is more advanced in patients\r\nwith AI (53 ? 11.9 years, range 21 - 78 yr) than in patients with PI (36.8 ? 13.1 years, range\r\n10 - 81 yr), p < 0.01. AD was higher in AI than in patients with secreting adrenal tumors,\r\nbut similar in patients with adrenal malignancy. There is an age-related increase in the\r\nproportion of AI among patients with adrenal tumors, and of NFA, but not of PI, among\r\npatients with pituitary tumors. In patients aged over 65 years, 74% of patients with adrenal\r\ntumors have AI, while only 18% of patients with pituitary tumors have PI and 42% have\r\nNFA. AD in NFA (49.3 ? 13.1 yr, range 12 - 79 yr) was more advanced than in PI (p < 0.01).\r\nAD does not correlate with tumor size. Tumor growth occurred in 24% of AI (follow-up 3.0\r\n? 2.8 yr) and only in 0.7% of PI, p<0.01 (follow-up 3.1 ? 2.5 yr).\r\nConclusions. Adrenal non-functioning benign tumors show a clear association with ageing,\r\nin contrast with pituitary incidentalomas. It seems unlikely that most pituitary incidentalomas in\r\nyoung patients become large NFA, whose development seems to be also age-related. It is tempting\r\nto suggest that pituitary tumorigenesis starts earlier than adrenal tumorigenesis.
  • Book Review

    Caragheorgheopol A

    Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests

    Acta Endo (Buc) 2007 3(3): 383-383 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2007.383

  • Endocrine Care

    Ardeleanu I, Caragheorgheopol A

    The Value of Cortisol Measurement in Prolonged Fever because of Low Respiratory Tract Infection in Children

    Acta Endo (Buc) 2013 9(3): 397-404 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2013.397

    Context. The role of cortisol in modulating the inflammatory response upon an immune challenge is well documented. Objectives. We aim to assess cortisol levels related to inflammatory status in children with persistent fever and low respiratory tract infection (LRTI). Patients and methods. Thirty five children hospitalised with fever above 38oC for more than 10 days and clinical features of LRTI were enrolled. Immunoglobulins, C-reactive protein (CRP) and cortisol were measured at the admission and after 12 days. Results. From 35 patients, 29 had a satisfactory evolution and 7 had a complicated course of disease. In patients with a satisfactory outcome, the mean value of cortisol at the admission was at the upper limit of the reference range, CRP and immunoglobulin G (IgG) are significantly higher versus reference limit (p<0.05). Children with a severe evolution had a significantly lower cortisol level than those with good evolution, at the lower limit of reference range (p<0.001), and correlated with low levels of CRP and immunoglobulins; cortisol and CRP showed a slight increase after 12 days corresponding with a prolonged course of disease.Conclusions. Cortisol measurement might aid value in early identification of patients requiring initiation of antibiotherapy, corticotherapy or other intensive management strategies.