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Case Report
Kotwal SK, Kotwal S, Gupta R, Singh JB, Mahajan A
Cerebellar Ataxia as A Presenting Feature of HypothyroidismActa Endo (Buc) 2016 12(1): 77-79 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2016.77
AbstractContext. Besides its typical features, hypothyroidism comes to notice sometimes with neurologic features like reversible cerebellar ataxia, dementia, peripheral neuropathy, coma, etc. Therefore hypothyroidism should be suspected in all cases of cerebellar ataxia, as it is easily treatable. Objective. Here we illustrate a case of hypothyroidism initially reported with cerebellar ataxia. Case report. A 40 year-old male presented with history of gait-ataxia. His investigations revealed frank primary hypothyroidism with positive anti-TPO antibody. The patient was put on thyroxine and he improved completely within eight weeks. Conclusions. This case report emphasizes that hypothyroidism can present with ataxia as one of the initial features. Therefore, hypothyroidism should be considered in all cases of cerebellar ataxia as it is a reversible cause of ataxia -
General Endocrinology
Maiti BR, Sarkar S, Sarkar R, Sengupta SC, Pradhan D, Chatterjee A
Inhibitions of thyroidal and extra-thyroidal T3, T4 and thyroperoxidase profiles with elevations of TSH following lithium treatment in adult and aged ratsActa Endo (Buc) 2010 6(2): 171-180 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2010.171
AbstractBackground. Lithium, a well known antimanic drug, has adverse effects on endocrine functions; but it is unknown in aged animals.\r\nAim. Untoward effects of lithium on thyroidal and extra-thyroidal thyroid hormones were investigated in adult and aged rats.\r\nMaterials and methods. Lithium was injected intraperitoneally at a dose of 2 mEq/kg\r\nbody weight daily to one group of rats for 10 days and the other for 25 days respectively. Thyroid and serum T3 and T4, and extrathyroidal liver and kidney T3and T4 levels were\r\nmeasured by ELISA. Pituitary and serum TSH-like substance was determined using a human-TSH immunoassay kit. Thyroperoxidase profile was measured spectrophotometrically.\r\nResults. Lithium decreased thyroid and serum T3 and T4 levels, and increased pituitary and serum TSH-like profiles after 10 and 25 days of treatments respectively in adult and aged rats. Thyroperoxidase activity was decreased in all the treatments of adult and aged rats. Liver\r\nand kidney T3 and T4 profiles were also decreased in lithium recipients. Lithium actions were severe after 10 days of treatment in adult rats and 25 days treatment in aged rats.\r\nConclusion. Lithium has untoward effects on thyroid and extra-thyroidal thyroid hormone synthesis irrespective of the age of rats. -
Images in Endocrinology
Roy M, Sahana P.K, Saha S, Sengupta N
Ulcerative Goiter aS Expression of Papillary Thyroid CarcinomaActa Endo (Buc) 2014 10(2): 307-308 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2014.307
Abstract- -
Case Report
Dayal D, Saini A, Sodhi K, Rao K, Gupta N, Dogra S, Singhi S
Thymic Zygomycosis in a Girl with Poorly Controlled DiabetesActa Endo (Buc) 2011 7(3): 379-383 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2011.379
AbstractZygomycosis is a frequently fatal infection in the immunocompromised and diabetic host. A 12 year old girl with type 1 diabetes presented in diabetic ketoacidosis and consolidation of right lung along with thymic abscess causing persistent respiratory symptoms. A diagnosis of\r\nmucormycosis was made on smear examination of the thymic aspirate. Intravenous amphotericin along with surgical excision of the abscess resulted in clinical cure. Thymic involvement as seen in this case is an extremely rare occurrence in a diabetic patient which has not been\r\nreported in literature so far . -
General Endocrinology
Dasgupta R, Paramita Ray P, Maity A, Pradhan D, Sarkar S, Maiti BR
Dual Action of Arecoline on Adrenal Function and Glucose-Glycogen Homeostasis in Metabolic Stress in MiceActa Endo (Buc) 2017 13(4): 400-409 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2017.400
AbstractBackground. People chew betel nut (Areca catechu) for physical work and stress reduction, but it contains arecoline, which has both therapeutic value and untoward effects on endocrine and gonadal functions. Objective. Aim of the present study is to investigate its role on adrenal with its target in metabolic stress in mice. Materials and methods. Mice were deprived of water / food, each for 5 days / treated with arecoline (10 mg / kg body wt daily for 5 days) / arecoline after water or food deprivation, for 5 days each. Results. Water or food-deprivation caused adrenocortical hyperactivity, evident from abundance of enlarged mitochondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) with elevation of corticosterone level (C: 68.31 ± 2.30, WD: 159.31 ± 4.10 / FD: 194.12 ± 3.40 μg/ mL). Arecoline treatment alone or in water deprivation (C: 68.31 ± 2.30, AR: 144.50 ± 4.33, AR+WD: 194.42 ± 3.35 μg/ mL) / food deprivation (AR + FD: 180.89 ± 4.51 μg/ mL) stress also stimulated adrenocortical activity as recorded in metabolic stress. In contrast, adrenomedullary activity was not altered following water/ food deprivation. Arecoline treatment alone or in metabolic stress suppressed adrenomedullary activity by showing depletion of chromaffin granules (E/NE?), epinephrine (E) and norepinephrine (NE) concentrations. Both the stress decreased blood glucose and liver glycogen levels. Arecoline treatment decreased blood glucose level, with a rise in liver glycogen level, but elevated blood glucose level in water deprivation unlike in starvation. Conclusion. Arecoline alone or in metabolic stress involves adrenal and probably other endocrine glands (pancreas, posterior pituitary and rennin-angiotensin system) to maintain homeostasis in metabolic stress in mice. -
General Endocrinology
Dasgupta R, Pradhan D, Sengupta SC, Nag T, Maiti BR
Ultrastructural and hormonal modulations of adrenal gland with alterations of glycemic and liver glycogen profiles following arecoline administration in albino miceActa Endo (Buc) 2010 6(4): 413-430 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2010.413
AbstractBackground. Arecoline, a plant alkaloid of betel nut, is consumed by millions of people, for increased capacity of work. It causes immunosuppression, hepatotoxicity, and disturbance in antioxidant production, but it stimulates HPA axis and induces thyroid dysfunction.\r\nAim. To investigate the role of arecoline on adrenal activity, glycemia and glycogen profile in mice.\r\nMaterials and methods. Arecoline was injected intraperitoneally at a dose of 10 mg/kg body wt for 20-60 min for acute administration. In chronic administration the same dose was used daily for 15 days. Corticosterone, epinephrine, norepinephrine, blood glucose and liver glycogen profiles were measured after 20, 40 and 60 min, in acute administration and after 15 days in chronic administration.\r\nResults. Arecoline in acute administration increased corticosterone, norepinephrine and epinephrine levels and induced hyperglycemia with depletions of liver glycogen. But\r\nchronic arecoline administration with the same dose for 15 days caused ultrastructural degenerations of adrenal cortex and medulla with the elevation of corticosterone, and\r\ndepletions of norepinephrine and epinephrine levels. Arecoline also caused hypoglycemia and elevated liver glycogen. Atropine (arecoline receptor antagonist) prevented arecoline action on adrenal activity or blood glucose ? liver glycogen interaction.\r\nConclusion. The findings indicate that arecoline initially stimulates adrenal activity, but subsequently inhibits it with alterations of glycemic and glycogen profiles. Arecoline action is mediated by arecoline receptor in mice. Arecoline may have immunological action via adrenal hormonal suppression in mice. -
Case Report
Gupta R, Sharma A, Ksh A, Khadgawat R, Dinda AK
Phospathuric mesenchymal tumor of the sinonasal tractActa Endo (Buc) 2009 5(4): 537-542 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2009.537
AbstractBackground. Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor (PMT) is a recently described concept\r\nunifying the mesenchymal tumor associated with oncogenic osteomalacia. Most of the cases of\r\nPMT occur in the extremities and appendicular skeleton. PMT occurring in the paranasal\r\nsinuses is extremely rare with only a few cases reported in the available literature.\r\nCase. A 51-year-old man presented with a long history of bone pains. Biochemical\r\nand radiologic investigations, including skeletal survey showed features of osteomalacia.\r\nPositron emission tomography (PET) scan showed a small tumor in the left nasal cavity,\r\nethmoid and sphenoid sinuses. Histopathological examination of the excised tumor showed\r\nfeatures of a phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor- mixed connective tissue variant. Excision\r\nof the tumor was associated with marked improvement in the biochemical parameters and\r\nremarkable clinical relief.\r\nConclusion. Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor is a rare cause of osteomalacia and is\r\nusually associated with small tumors, which escape detection for long periods. Its occurrence in\r\nthe paranasal sinuses needs to be kept in mind and evaluated to allow for timely detection of the\r\ntumor with subsequent surgical excision and clinico-biochemical relief. -
Case Report
Dass J, Gupta A, Kothakota SR, Agarwal PK, Bhargava M
Carbimazole Induced Agranulocytosis with Marked Marrow Plasmacytosis Mimicking Multiple MyelomaActa Endo (Buc) 2014 10(4): 671-677 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2014.671
AbstractCarbimazole is a common drug used to treat hyperthyroidism. Agranulocytosis is a known adverse effect of these anti-thyroid drugs but plasmacytosis simulating multiple myeloma is a very uncommon manifestation of this drug. We report here the case of a patient of hyperthyroidism who developed febrile neutropenia while on carbimazole with the preliminary marrow findings simulating plasma cell myeloma.