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Acta Endocrinologica (Buc)
Song HS, Kim CJ, Lee S, Bae JS, Jung CK, Jang J
Risk Factors that Predict Levothyroxine Medication after Thyroid Lobectomy
Acta Endo (Buc) 2020, 16 (4): 454-461doi: 10.4183/aeb.2020.454
Context and Objective. The risk of needing
lifelong thyroid hormone supplementation is an important
factor affecting treatment decisions for both patients and
clinicians ahead thyroid lobectomy. The purposes of this
study were to assess the predictive factors of levothyroxine
medication after thyroid lobectomy.
Methods. We retrospectively reviewed 252
patients who had undergone lobectomy for benign thyroid
nodules between April 2009 and April 2017. We conducted
two independent analyses: patients who started taking
levothyroxine after surgery were compared with those
who did not, and patients who did not need levothyroxine
at last follow-up were compared with those who required
continued treatment. We investigated the correlations of
patient clinicopathological characteristics and levothyroxine
medication after lobectomy.
Results. Ninety-eight patients started levothyroxine
after surgery. Of these, 34 patients successfully ceased
medication and 64 patients continued treatment as of
their last follow-up. In multivariate analysis, older age
and preoperative TSH ≥2.0mIU/L were associated with
levothyroxine initiation after surgery. In terms of continuity
of levothyroxine, both older age and TSH ≥ 3.0mIU/L
showed a significant correlation with continuous medication.
We created a risk-scoring system to predict likelihood
of starting and maintaining levothyroxine using the two
significant factors in each comparison. A risk score of 3 or
more indicated an increased risk of starting levothyroxine
(specificity = 81.8%; sensitivity = 48.0%). A risk score of 3
or more indicated increased risk of continuous medication,
(specificity = 94.2%; sensitivity = 35.9%).
Conclusions. Greater age and higher preoperative
TSH levels correlated with initiation and continuity of
levothyroxine medication after lobectomy.
Keywords: levothyroxine, lobectomy, thyroid, risk
Correspondence: Sohee Lee MD, Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, Department of Surgery, 1021, Tongil-ro,
Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, 06591, Republic of Korea, E-mail: leesohee@catholic.ac.kr