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The International Journal of Romanian Society of Endocrinology / Registered in 1938in Web of Science Master Journal List
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Case Report
Chentli F, Mokhtari M, Azzoug S, Ahmed Ali L, Amrani F, Nait Kaci H, Terki N
Primary medullary carcinoma in accessory lateral thyroidActa Endo (Buc) 2012 8(4): 639-643 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2012.639
AbstractMedullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) arising from aberrant tissue is almost unknown. Our aim is to report our first case.\r\nObservation. A woman, aged 46, was operated on for multinodular goiter with lateral mass considered as a metastasis. Thyroid surgery was well supported. The surgeon discovered a median thyroid which seemed normal, and a lateral mass totally separated from the thyroid. The pathologist who did very thin slices of the whole thyroid excluded the malignancy, but in the lateral tissue, he discovered a typical MTC with positivity to thyrocalcitonin (TCT), chromogranine A, and thyroid transforming factor1 antibodies. That lateral tissue did not contain any thyroid or lymphoid cells. The tumoral tissue was sent to another\r\npathologist who confirmed the diagnosis. In post operative period TCT was normal (mean value=4.5pg/mL, N<13), but urinary metanephrines were slightly increased (1.32\r\nmg/24h, N=1). Radiological explorations (except MIBG scintigraphy not done for low socioeconomic conditions) failed to show any pheochromocytoma. One year later that one was found by CT scan, and our patient was classified as multiple endocrine neoplasm type 2A. Laparoscopic surgery\r\ndone under thiopental and curare was uneventful, histological exam confirmed the pheochromocytoma. Genetic screening for RET proto-oncogene was negative arguing\r\nfor a sporadic case. Conclusion. MTC located in\r\naccessory thyroid is a scientific curiosity which can be mistaken with a lymph node metastasis. In our case a meticulous exam of the median thyroid and the lack of thyroid and lymph cells in the lateral mass were\r\nagainst the metastasis. -
Clinical review/Extensive clinical experience
Morariu VV, Mihali CV, Frentescu L, Bechet D, Budisan L, Mândrutiu I, Benga G
The Age-Dependence of the Red Blood Cell Water Permeability and its Physiological RelevanceActa Endo (Buc) 2014 10(4): 665-670 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2014.665
AbstractDevelopments in the understanding of the molecular basis of water permeability of the red blood cell (RBC) have taken place rapidly since the discovery in 1985 in Cluj- Napoca, Romania, by the group of Benga of a water channel protein (WCP), later called aquaporin 1 (AQP1), in the RBC membrane. However, the physiological role of AQP1 is not yet fully understood. Investigations of RBCs from human subjects of various ages could help shed light on this important issue. We present a short review of our studies on this topic that were published in less “visible” journals and books. The diffusional water permeability (Pd) of the RBC membrane has the lowest values in the newborns. Then Pd values are increasing in children, reaching at about 7 years a value that remains rather constant in young and mature subjects. The high permeability to water of the RBC membrane can be correlated at these ages with the ability to undertake a high level of physical activity. In elderly individuals (over 65 years) a further small, but statistically significant, increase in the diffusional water permeability of RBC was observed. In this case the higher RBC water permeability can be correlated with a requirement of the RBC membrane to favour the membrane undulations and the rapid entry or exit of solutes of molecular size greater than water, in conditions when the organism is less physically active, probably has lower metabolic rates and lower mean rates of blood circulation. -
Case Report
Grigorie D, Ioachim D, Stanescu B, Caragheorgheopol A, Sucaliuc A
Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy with PTH Measurement for Confirmation of Parathyroid Adenoma. Case ReportActa Endo (Buc) 2014 10(4): 678-686 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2014.678
AbstractBackground. Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is caused most commonly by a solitary adenoma and less commonly by multiglandular hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands (MGD). Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy (MIP) has become a frequently used strategy, but there are limitations to current preoperative localization techniques. Results. We report the case of a patient, 63 years old, female, with clinical and biochemical features of primary hyperparathyroidism (total serum calcium: 10.1mg/dL; PTH: 171pg/mL). Neck ultrasonography (USG) revealed a mixed hypoechoic tumor along the posterior aspect of the left thyroid lobe of 1.54x0.78 cm, being difficult to say if it was intrathyroidal or not. There was only minimal residual uptake in the left thyroid lobe at 4 h on Tc99m sestamibi imaging. She underwent USG-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of the suspected tumor followed by PTH measurement from the needle washing (FNA-PTH). The cytology was non-diagnostic but the level of PTH in the aspirated fluid was 10.000 pg/ mL. The patient underwent an en bloc resection of the left thyroid lobe and the tumor, which was curative, as calcium (8.9 mg/dL) and PTH (25.52 pg/mL) decreased from the first day after surgery. Histopathology of the surgical specimen revealed a left parathyroid adenoma made of chief cells and included in the thyroid capsule together with the entire left thyroid lobe. Conclusion. This case report highlights the importance of FNA-PTH in the localization of functionally parathyroid tissue in difficult cases, where a clear target exists.