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The International Journal of Romanian Society of Endocrinology / Registered in 1938in Web of Science Master Journal List
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Notes & Comments
Ucak R, Turkyilmaz Mut D, Kaya C, Yilmaz Ozguven B, Kabukcuoglu F, Uludag M
Is Repeat FNAB Necessary For Thyroid Nodules with ND / UNS Cytology?Acta Endo (Buc) 2022 18(1): 127-133 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2022.127
AbstractContext/Objective. The standard approach is to perform repeat FNAB (rFNAB) in thyroid nodules with nondiagnostic (ND) / insufficient (UNS) cytology. However, due to the nature of these nodules, recurrent FNABs may also be insufficient. Therefore, by comparing the clinicalradiological- pathological parameters of nodules with a definite diagnosis of excision, we questioned the possibility of patient management without rFNAB. Methods. Clinical-radiological parameters of 275 nodules belonging to 264 patients in the ND/UNS aspiration group with definite pathological diagnosis after surgery were determined. Under the guidance of these parameters, those with and without rFNAB were compared. Results. The incidence of malignancy was found to be significantly higher in nodules without rFNAB compared to nodules with rFNAB (p = 0.036). In addition, the incidence of malignancy in BC-1 nodules without rFNAB was significantly higher than in nodules with rFNAB result also BC-1 (p = 0.009). In all cases, nodule size smaller than 10 mm and border irregularity were found to be statistically significant for malignancy (p <0.020, p <0.002). When looking at the distribution of rFNAB results, a significant correlation was observed with female gender, solid component, hypoechogenicity, border irregularity and halo loss around the nodule in patients with BC-4,5,6 cytology results (respectively, 0.005 / 0.031 / 0.001 / 0.012 / 0.004). Conclusion. rFNAB did not show the expected effect in ND / UNS nodules. We recommend direct surgical excision without rFNAB for nodules with border irregularity, solid structure, halo loss and hypoechogenicity, which should be considered more important in female patients. -
Notes & Comments
Sarafoleanu C, Badea C, Lupoi D
Bilateral Carotid Body Paragangliomas - Literature Review and Comments in a Patient with no Signs of Men SyndromeActa Endo (Buc) 2023 19(1): 133-141 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2023.133
AbstractParagangliomas are rare neuroendocrine slowgrowing tumors, often asymptomatic, that originate from embryonic neural crest cell. In the head and neck area, the most common location is the carotid body, followed, with decreasing frequency, in jugular, tympanic and vagal sites. Bilateral carotid body tumors are extremely rare. Aim. To present the most important features of carotid body paragangliomas, illustrating the clinical characteristics, associated with a thorough analysis of the diagnostic imaging elements, but also the current therapeutic strategies, with respective anatomical, surgical considerations and potential complications that can occur. Surgical resection is the main line of treatment. The complex anatomy of the cervical region and the close relationships of carotid body paragangliomas with carotid vessels and cranial nerves, as well as its intense vascularization makes the surgical intervention a real challenge even for an experienced surgeon. Discussion. Starts from a bilateral carotid paraganglioma in a 35-year-old male, with painless lateral neck swelling, accidentally discovered by his barber about two years ago. Diagnosis was suspected on the basis of history, clinical and radiological findings. “Wait and scan” strategy plus endocrinologic assessment for MEN syndromes were considered the optimal therapeutic approach in this case. -
Notes & Comments
Yilmaz O, Mevsim V, Kuruoglu E
Development of Clinical Risk Assessment Tool for Osteoporosis (Osteoriskapp) Using a Syndromic ApproachActa Endo (Buc) 2018 14(1): 133-141 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2018.133
AbstractContext. DEXA is recommended for osteoporosis screening. However, the rate of screening with DEXA is very low. Therefore, methods that can be used more easily and cost effectively are needed. Objective. The objective of this study is to develop a clinical risk assessment tool of osteoporosis (OSTEORISKAPP) by using syndromic approach. Design. A methodological study was performed. Subjects and Methods. Three hundred and fiftysix participants who are above 50 years old are participants of study and take history and physical examination. Positive likelihood ratio (LR), pre and post test probability, is calculated. A logistic regression analysis and a ROC analysis are made with the model constructed by those criteria. Results. Eighteen different clinical risk indices are diagnosed. According to LR, 4 of these criteria are minimally effective, 11 of them are weakly effective and 3 of them are medium effective criteria According to results of logistic regression analysis, back pain, waist pain, and usage of cortisone for more than 3 months, vertebra tenderness in physical examination, having dorsal kyphosis and being obese are turned out to be statistically significant in 89.9% confidence interval. AUC is found to be 0.948 and diagnostic test is found to have perfect distinction ability. Conclusion. Syndromic diagnostic criteria that will be used for osteoporosis screening of population and that is cost effective, no need to refer, practical, reliable and has tried to be developed. -
Notes & Comments
Malutan A, Costin N., Duncea I., Georgescu Pepene C.E., Mihu D., Rada MP
Interleukin-8 and vasomotor symptoms in natural and surgically induced menopauseActa Endo (Buc) 2013 9(1): 133-144 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2013.133
AbstractObjectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate serum levels of interleukin (IL)-8 in pre- and postmenopausal women and in patients with surgically-induced menopause, and the relationship between IL-8 and vasomotor symptoms. Material and Method. 175 women were enrolled and were divided into 5 groups (I – Fertile women; II – Pre- and perimenopausal women; III – Postmenopausal women; IV – Surgically-induced menopause; V – Chronic inflammation). Multiplex cytokine kits were used to evaluate serum levels of interleukin-8. We determined the serum levels of the follicle stimulating hormone, of the luteinizing hormone, 17β-estradiol, progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate using sandwich ELISA. The severity of the vasomotor symptoms was evaluated according to FDA guidelines. Results. Serum concentration of IL-8 in women with natural menopause (233.0±226.5 pg/ml; p<0.001) and in women with surgically-induced menopause (148.0±162.0 pg/ml; p=0.045) is significantly higher than in women of reproductive age (84.88±82.32 pg/ml). Serum levels of IL-8 in premenopausal women, postmenopausal women, and in women with surgically-induced menopause, respectively, with severe and moderate hot flashes, on one hand (174.8±90.94 pg/ml, 369.3±194.2 pg/ml, respectively 274.1±146.3 pg/ml), is significantly higher than in women without vasomotor symptoms or with mild hot flashes, on the other hand (19.97±22.15 pg/ml, 28.66±35.72 pg/ml, respectively 28.94±37.68 pg/ml; p<0.001). Serum levels of IL-8 are significantly higher in women of reproductive age with chronic inflammatory pathology (152.3±121.0 pg/ml) than in women without such pathology (84.88±82.32 pg/ml; p=0.02). Conclusions. IL-8 is significantly higher in postmenopausal women with vasomotor symptoms than in women without vasomotor symptoms. In the postmenopausal group, the serum levels of IL-8 are similar to those in women with chronic inflammatory pathology. IL-8 could be a key factor in occurrence of hot flashes in menopause and could be associated with peripheral vasodilatation in these women. -
General Endocrinology
Aktas SH, Pence HH, Ozcelik F, Sayir N, Sapmaz T, Kutlu O, Karabela SN, Elcioglu HK
Vaspin, Adiponectin and Leptin Levels in Type 1 Diabetic Rats Induced by StreptozotocinActa Endo (Buc) 2020 16(2): 136-141 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2020.136
AbstractBackground. Adiponectin, vaspin and leptin are only a few of these numerous adipocytokines. Little is known about the behavior of adipocytokines and how adipose tissue metabolism is affected in this Type 1 DM model. In this study we investigated the serum levels of adiponectin, leptin, vaspin in streptozotocin(STZ) induced diabetic rats. Material and methods. Twelve Spraque Dawley albino rats were included in the study. The animals were divided into two groups. The first group was diabetic (D) (n: 6) and 60mg / kg STZ was administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) to these rats. The second group was the non-diabetic control (ND) group (n: 6). All the animals were euthanized by cervical dislocation. Quantification of vaspin, Adiponectin, leptin in serum was performed using the ELISA kit. Results. Adiponectin, vaspin levels of diabetic group were found to be statistically lower than of control group (p<0.05). Leptin levels were significantly higher in the diabetic group (P<0.05). Conclusion. There is a need for new researches that can explain the relationship between Vaspin, Leptin and Adiponectin and Type 1 diabetes. New studies in this area will open new horizons for the identification of new biomarkers in the diagnosis and treatment of Type 1 diabetes. -
Notes & Comments
Topaloglu O, Evren B, Uzun M, Yologlu S, Guldogan E, Sahin I
Is There a Relationship between Serum IGF-1 and Thyroid Nodule, Thyroid or Ovarian Volume in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?Acta Endo (Buc) 2021 17(1): 138-146 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2021.138
AbstractContext. Studies investigating the association between serum IGF-1, and thyroid nodule, ovarian or thyroid volume in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are limited. Objective. We aimed to analyze the association between serum IGF-1 level, and ovarian or thyroid volume, or thyroid nodule in PCOS. Design. The study was performed between June 2017 and August 2019 as prospective design. Subjects and Methods. Adult females with newonset PCOS were included. The patients having comorbid illness, or using medication were excluded. Basic tests, thyroid and ovarian sonography were performed. The patients were grouped according to thyroid nodule(absent/ present) and ovarian volume (<10mL/≥10mL). We planned to find a positive association between IGF-1, and thyroid nodule, thyroid or ovarian volume in PCOS. Results. Of total 118 patients, 11(9%) had thyroid nodule. The patients with thyroid nodule had a higher ovarian volume (p=0.006). No correlation was found between GH or IGF-1, and thyroid or ovarian volume. IGF-1 was not a predictor for thyroid nodule or higher ovarian volume. Thyroid nodule was a significant predictor for higher ovarian volume. Conclusion. Our study is the first to analyze the association between IGF-1 and thyroid nodule in PCOS. We found that thyroid nodule was associated with thyroid and ovarian volume, but IGF-1 was not associated with thyroid nodule, thyroid or ovarian volume. -
Case Report
Erem C, Civan N., Fidan M., Cobanoglu U., Kangül F., Ersoz H.O., Alhan E
Composite Adrenal Pheochromocytoma-Ganglioneuroma in an Adult PatientActa Endo (Buc) 2014 10(1): 140-149 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2014.140
AbstractBackground. Composite adrenal pheochromocytoma-ganglioneuromas (PHEO-GNs) are well-defined neoplasms of the adrenal medulla, consisting of both endocrine and neural components. They are extremely rare. To date, only 46 cases have been reported in the English literature. Case report. We describe an adult case of endocrinologically active adrenal composite PHEO-GN diagnosed in a 62-year-old male patient with history of dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, and uncontrolled hypertension including intermittant hypertension attacks. On physical examination, he had a blood pressure (BP) of 170/110 mmHg. 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography-computed tomography showed a right adrenal tumor with increased metabolic activity. Urinary levels of catecholamines and their metabolites were prominently elevated. Right adrenalectomy was performed for treatment purposes. The histological diagnosis of the resected tumor was composite adrenal PHEO-GN. Conclusions. Composite adrenal PHEO-GN is a rare entity and preoperative diagnosis is difficult. Its hormonal activity and imaging characteristics are frequently very similar to those of other adrenal tumors, especially pure PHEO and adrenal carcinoma. Therefore, careful evaluation by endocrine tests and multiple imaging procedures are needed for providing a differential diagnosis. However, definitive diagnosis composite adrenal PHEO-GN is established by histological and immunochemical studies. To our knowledge, the present case is the first report that describes composite adrenal PHEO-GN in a patient from Turkey. We discuss this case and review the literature on this unusual entity. -
General Endocrinology
Lutescu I, Gussi I, Banceanu G, Coculescu M
Specific changes of blood-brain-barrier permeability for estrogens and gonadotrophins at menopauseActa Endo (Buc) 2007 3(2): 141-148 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2007.141
AbstractIntroduction. Estrogens are known to have a neuroprotective role and to influence the permeability of the blood brain barrier (BBB). An ongoing debate exists on the changing effects of estrogens on target tissues with advancing age and at menopause and on the potential disruptive role of increasing gonadotropin levels.\r\nThe aim of the present study was to assess the permeability of the BBB for estradiol, FSH and LH in three physiological states: early follicular phase, preovulatory phase and at menopause.\r\nMethod. Hormonal levels were assessed simultaneously in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 15 women at menopause (mean age 60?8 years), 16 of reproductive age in early follicular phase and 11 in preovulatory phase (mean age 31?7 years), all undergoing surgery for benign gynecologic disorders. FSH, LH and estradiol levels were assessed using chemo luminescence and are expressed as median and 10-90 percentile interval. Statistical analysis assessed the serum-CSF correlation and the CSF/serum ratio for each hormone between groups.\r\nResults. Estradiol serum levels were 26.2 pg/ml (6.4-43.5) at menopause (n=15), 58.5 pg/ml (25.7-75.9) in early follicular phase (EFP, n=16) and 221.2 pg/ml (113.7-405.5) in preovulatory phase (PREOV, n=11). CSF estradiol is 18.5 pg/ml (0.4-30.5) at menopause, 5.4 pg/ml (2.2-10.2) in EFP (p<0.001) and 17.3 pg/ml (10.3-34.6) in PREOV patients. Estradiol serum and CSF levels correlate positively in the fertile cycle (r=0.72, p<0.0001) and negatively at menopause (r=-0.88, p<0.05). The CSF/serum ratio for estradiol is 0.8 (0.01-4.4) at menopause, 0.1 (0.04-0.13) in EFP and 0.1 (0.03-0.13) in PREOV patients. FSH serum levels were 75.8 mUI/ml (35.9-129.8) at menopause, 7.7 mUI/ml (3.5-11.4) in EFP and 7.3 mUI/ml (3.1-10.7) in PREOV patients. CSF FSH is 2.7 mUI/ml (0.4- 5.9) at menopause, significantly higher than 0.7 mUI/ml (0.3-1) in EFP (p<0.001) and 0.5 mUI/ml (0.2-1) in PREOV patients (p<0.05). FSH serum and CSF levels correlate positively in the fertile cycle (r=0.8, p<0.0001) and do not correlate at menopause (p=NS). The CSF/serum ratio for FSH is 0.03 (0.01-0.1) at menopause, significantly lower than 0.09 (0.06-0.16) in EFP (p<0.001) and is 0.06 (0.03-0.13) in PREOV phase. LH serum levels were 57.4 mUI/ml (27.5-84.8) at menopause, 4.7 mUI/ml (1.7-7.1) in EFP and 5.5 mUI/ml (4.9-8.02) in PREOV phase. CSF LH is 1.6 mUI/ml (0.7-2.6) at menopause, significantly higher than 0.4 mUI/ml (0.1-1) in EFP (p<0.001) and 0.5 mUI/ml (0.2-0.9) in preovulatory phase (p<0.05). The CSF/serum ratio for LH is 0.03 (0.01-0.07) at menopause, it is significantly lower than 0.09 (0.03-0.27) in EFP (p<0.001) and is 0.07 (0.03-0.14) in preovulatory phase.\r\nConclusions. This study shows the negative correlation of serum and CSF estradiol levels at menopause reflecting the need of constant estrogen levels within the CSF despite low chronic serum levels. Simultaneously, the CSF/serum ratio for gonadotrophins is\r\nreduced significantly at menopause and the positive correlation of serum and CSF levels is lost, reflecting a protective mechanism against rising levels of FSH and LH. -
General Endocrinology
Can M, Kocabas M, Karakose M, Alsancak Y, Yerlikaya FH, Caliskan Burgucu H, Cordan I, Kadiyoran C, Kulaksizoglu M, Karakurt F
New Biomarkers to Predict Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with Adrenal Incidentaloma; Irisin and Nesfatin-1Acta Endo (Buc) 2022 18(2): 150-155 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2022.150
AbstractObjective. In our study, we aimed to investigate the levels of irisin, nesfatin-1 and the relationship between levels of these relatively new molecules with cardiometabolic risk markers; carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) thickness in patients with nonfunctional adrenal incidentaloma (NFAI). Materials and Methods. Patients with NFAI (n=59) and age, sex and body mass index-matched healthy control subjects (n=59) were enrolled in this study. Serum glucose, insulin, C-reactive protein (CRP), lipid, irisin and nesfatin-1 levels and echocardiographic CIMT and EAT thickness measurements were performed in patients and controls. Results. The irisin level was 17.58 ± 4.38 pg/mL in the NFAI group, significantly higher (p<0.001) than 14.03 ± 4.03 pg/mL in the control group. Nesfatin-1 level was significantly lower in the NFAI group 194.98 ± 119.15 pg/ mL ((p < 0.001)) versus 303.48 ± 200.78 pg/mL in the control group. A positive correlation was found between irisin and nesfatin-1 levels and CIMT and EAT thickness in the NFAI group. Conclusions. In our study, we found that irisin level was higher and nesfatin-1 level was lower in patients with NFAI, and both irisin and nesfatin-1 levels were associated with CIMT and EAT thickness in NFAI patients. -
General Endocrinology
Barisik V, Korkmaz HA, Cekdemir YE, Torlak D, Aktug H, Yavasoglu A, Erbas O
The Therapeutic Effect of Allopurinol in Fatty Liver Disease in RatsActa Endo (Buc) 2023 19(2): 155-162 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2023.155
AbstractBackground. Hyperuricemia is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Aim. We therefore aimed at evaluating the influence of allopurinol on the course of NAFLD in rats. Study Design. We divided 21 mature albino Sprague Dawley rats into three groups: controls (n = 7, normal diet for 12 weeks); NAFLD rat models (by feeding water containing 30% fructose for first 8 weeks) treated with allopurinol subsequently for the next 4 weeks (n = 7); and similar case treated with placebo (saline) subsequently for the next 4 weeks (n = 7). Methods. We compared the histopathological scores, IL-1 and IL-2 immunoexpression levels across the groups. Liver histopathological score was determined by observing the steatosis (the percentage of liver cells containing fat): <25% = 1+, 25% - 50% = 2+, 51% - 75% = 3+, >75% = 4+; inflammation and necrosis: 1 focus per low-power field = 1+; and 2 or more foci = 2+. The number of liver IL-1 and IL-2 positive cells was measured by systematically scoring at least 100 hepatocyte cells per field in 10 fields of tissue sections by a magnification of 100. Results. Xanthine oxidase (XO) activity and lipid peroxidation was significantly different in the allopurinol group compared to the saline group (XO; 0.098 ± 0.006 mU/mg vs. 0.162 ± 0.008 mU/mg, p = 0.01, 0.116 ± 0.040 nmol malondialdehyde/mg versus 0.246 ± 0.040 nmol malondialdehyde /mg, p = 0.01). The allopurinol group had lower histopathological scores, IL-1 and IL-2 immunoexpression levels in the liver compared to the saline group (2.13 ± 0.35 against 5.45 ± 0.24, p = 0.003, IL-1; 5.76 ± 0.43 against 12.85 ± 3.26, p = 0.023, IL-2; 8.55 ± 1.14 against 56.23 ± 7.12, p = 0.002). Conclusions. Allopurinol has a therapeutic role against the progression of NAFLD of the rats.